Aware at 3, Messaging at 5 Years--Lifetimes in The Field
Highly Diversified and Powerfully Focused
Services: Psychic Work, Training & Client Development
Align to Purose, Your Calling, Your Mission
Psychic Plus Central
Modalities, Frequencies, Clairs, Codes & Experiences Beyond the 5 Senses
"Alternative Realities for Everyday Living" | Shadow Work/Self Work
Leading Edge | New Language | Acension Work | Ascension Activation
These are the New Age and New Times to raise your vibration
THE PSYCHIC REALMS Working with your Innate Intelligence as Inner Access Source, You will be able to access answers to your inquiry and intent, based on awareness to incoming infomation from higher resources you have available
to which you are paying attention.
CATHERINE MARKS | Psychic Psychic Plus Central
THIS IS A CENTRAL PLACE FOR ALL THINGS PSYCHIC & ADVANCED *Advocate for Psychic Facility and Literacy in Daily Life
Greater Awareness, Greater Abilities Await You...
Multi-Dimensional Guidance Coach
Gifted Psychic, Medium, Seer Clairvoyant (all Clairs) | The Art of Shifting Attention Alternative Realities | *Psychic Alignment Energetics Navigating the Convoluted Universe Coaching on Staying Your Path Multi-Dimensional Realms and Altered States Master Healer | working with energies/frequencies Communication Training (mastery of Skill) Spiritual Teacher - "LUMINOSITY" | Light Spirit Beings Dream Modes | Shape-Shifting Realities | Time-lessness Clock Time-Event Time | Time-Lines *High Frequency Meditation Coach Mentor | Guide | Ascension "Activation" Livng with Joy,Boundaries & Accountability:Out Of The Bog Living for Free: Authenticity & Alignment w/Intention Your Calling /Your Mission / Your Purpose The Power of I AM - Being Your Authentic Power! Life-Personal-Business-Money Coach Life-Psychic-Tarot-Oracle Readings* Life Organizational Development | Resets & New Levels Aligning what is disconnected to purpose (Life/Business) Communication & Awareness Development | Training Consultant: Corporate Coach (incl Executive Consulting) Business Owners/Entrepreneurs | Mentoring Services (see Service page)
Where you can become truly aware of higher communication, your abilities, and gain skill and command balance.
Welcome to my services. I am a gifted psychic. I work with people in all communication arts and skills.
You are quantum consciousness becoming aware of itself, powerfully | ACTIVATION
AWARENESS is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. More broadly, it is the state of
being conscious of something...The concept is often synonymous to consciousness and is also understood as being consciousness itself--Wikipedia
The New Wave is here--Humanity is awakening to a New Awareness of Empowerment as never before.
You are receiving messages from the Universe, the Cosmos - and you are the transmitter. You ARE the awareness.
You are consciousness itself in your unique communication and inter-changing engagemrnt.
I'm Catherine Marks I am a natural-born gifted psychic. I can help you to fully open your awareness to expand
and reach your highest potential. With a bacground of decades of experience I offer clients programs, developmental sessions, classes and master teachings for Breakthrough Awareness, Ascension Guidance, Healing, Communication, Awakening and Attunement. I help you to discover and at every level, develop and become skilled in transformation,
and in accessing states of being for a more holistic awareness of expansion and ultimate living according to your purpose or mission. In fully honoring your journey, this attunes to your becoming self-empowered...
Gifted Psychic
Medium & Detail
Clear Channel
Seer, Clairvoyant
Master Healer
Master Empath
Guide and Mentor
All The Clairs
Life Mapping
Past/Future Lives
Hypnosis Certified
Break-through Awarenss
Ascension - Living in 5D+
Hi-Frequency Meditation
Manifesting, Intent, Starbeings
Emotional Intelligence
Comm-Arts & Relationships
Highest Potential | Guides
New You, New Narrative
As a psychic, I have an ability and perception in all things psychic, and live and work on many levels. Through my life journeys. studies
with masters, sages. shamans and knowledge acquirement, I have the mastery of clairvoyancy, clair-(pre)congnition and the empath that
I activate in my psychic readings and coaching sessions. I am clair-auditory and hear messages that can be transmitted uniquely.
I offer teachings and skill knowledge in sessions, classes and workshops with those interested in study, development and training to acquire it. And as people seek focus and healing on manuy levels, I offer many various services--powerful methods, tools and acquired skills that help you free yourself of the past through self work and understanding. In the process you will develop sovereignty, set boundaries, new clairity, fresh vision, new levels. Your Path becomes clear through perception, choice and activation on many levels.
I have held key postions in the corporate world and have an in-depth background in the entertainment field and the field of fashion
My unique, natural and highly skilled abilities in multi-dimensional awareness and metaphysics services helps you to develep, heal
and manifest on many levels.
With development, deep-knowledge acquirement and skill, you build your authenticity, personal style and charisma and amazingly grow your life. I help you solve your concerns--dealing with pressing questions, guidance, sometimes complex situations, creating clarity and action steps through understanding on all levels of issues. This opens mind, heart, doors of perceotion and portals. Self healing, ascension and transformation can then take place and is activated.
I work with clients all over the world from every question, background and industry imaginable.
As an international psychic, I have traveled the world, had some interesting and phenomenal experiences and provided healing and solutions that are really practical for tens of thousands of clients worldwide.
I can psychically pin-point and focus on solutions that will be extremely helpful to your needs in this moment. As a multi-dimensional creator being and psychic with a vast array of knowledge, I have been working in the field delivering service for most of my life since the age of 5, aware at 3. I have valuable information I want to share with you. Find out more...
Experience New Higher Consciousness and Frequencies, The Psychic Realms, Metaphysics, New Realities and self multi-dimensional perception and empowerment.
"Step Out of The Old Matrix,
Become As Creator Beings"
Activating Breakthrough Awarenesss, Ascension
Awakening & Cosmic Change
MULTI-DIMENSIONALLY SPECIALIZED: This coach and facilitator with you on many levels and frequencies, in Octaves & levels 3D-11D Plus, Galactic & Cosmic Journeys, Working with Power Guides, Altered States, Alignment, The Aura/Chakras, Time Travel, Virtual-Holographic Mind Intentions/Manifestation, Self Healing, many Unseen fields that the client normally cannot Command yet to activate--requiring Master Training and commitment. This coach Trains Clients to do so as well as Acquiring the Standard Skills and Information. PLUS -- Navigations, Guidance, Activations How-To's, Techniques, Tips, Q&A
Alexandria W
High-End Retail | TestimonyI had questions. Nothing was working - I didn't know where to turn or what to do. Then I came across Catherine Marks. Working with her, everything seemed to open up and with development and training - I needed to learn some things! - my Life and Path started to come into place. I learned I could count on myself and be accountable and that I could create my life and Manifest. It's tremendously powerful coaching & techniques which have freed me to be Authentic and contributive using my gifts and talents.Sanders P
Real Estate Broker | TestimonyI thought I really knew it all - Really! I worked hard and pushed to get things done. And then I hit a wall. I didn't feel connected and nothing was going as planned. I needed insight and maybe some personl revelation. When I started training here, I realized a lot of things I didn't before - and my life - and myself - started to open. It was like miraculous! I learned new ways of doing things and new perspects, new techniques. I changed to a new mindset - which made all the difference. Thanks for all the input in helping me to evolve, Catherine! And I'l;l be evolving forever. I now work with the Universe, Intension, heart-centered and make use of my Clairvoyant, Intuitive and Psychic Skills that I have learned, daily. My interest now is contribution through my endeavors.Rose Z
Tech-Business Owner | Proessional Fund-Raiser | TestimonyI had been seeking an individual who I could learn from who was non-ordinary - but had many aspects and many I guess dimensions to work with - since I feel I am intuitive and want to further my abilities. When the Student is ready the Master appears. I found Catherine to be extra-ordinary. She is loaded with Dimensional Information along with things like Communication, Awareness and Emotional Skills. And I began to see who I really am! I am extra-ordinary! I found I have talents in ESP and Dimensional ways (and I am Psychic!) that are giving me a perspective about life and how I lived it before and how I am living it now. Wouldn't be without it! Catherine is a Master - Find out by taking some Sessions. You'll see exactly what I mean! I am so appreciative to have found her and to work with her
Ready To Start Changing Your Life?
Get the insight and assitance that you may require now, to move forward in miraculous ways - through clarity, steps, discernment, awareness and transformation. You can be suprised what can occur when you clear, release, let go for the new and can get alignment, insight and informatives that send you forward with success.